3 raisons pour réserver votre séance mini sessions | Paris Neuilly Mini Sessions Photographe Famille

3 raisons pour réserver votre séance mini sessions | Paris Neuilly Mini Sessions Photographe Famille

Trois bonnes raisons de participer à une mini-session photo cet automne

Avant de plonger dans le vif du sujet, un petit rappel sur ce qu’est une mini-session. Les mini-sessions sont des séances photos courtes, organisées à une date et un lieu prédéterminés. Elles offrent une excellente opportunité de capturer des souvenirs précieux en un temps limité, tout en bénéficiant de la qualité d’une séance photo professionnelle.

Voici trois raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez absolument envisager de réserver votre mini-session cet automne...

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Mini sessions Automne Paris Neuilly | Paris Neuilly Photographe de Famille

Mini sessions Automne Paris Neuilly | Paris Neuilly Photographe de Famille

Les mini sessions sont là!

Qu’est-ce que les mini sessions?

Les séances ‘mini sessions’ sont des séances photos courtes, qui se déroulent à une date et lieu pré-déterminés.

Les séances seront en extérieur et en fin d’après-midi/journée afin de profiter de la lumière plus douce (‘golden hour’).  Je vous en dis plus dans cet article...

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A quoi s'attendre lors de votre séance photos | Paris Photographe de Nouveau-né et Famille

A quoi s'attendre lors de votre séance photos | Paris Photographe de Nouveau-né et Famille

Je photographie les familles d'une manière plus intime que le photographe familial traditionnel. Mon art ne consiste pas à montrer à quoi vous et votre famille ressemblez, mais plutôt à quoi ressemble votre vie de famille et comment vous vous sentez dans ce chapitre de votre vie.

J’aime capturer les liens de votre famille en évitant les poses inconfortables.

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What to expect during your session | Paris Newborn and Family Photographer

What to expect during your session | Paris Newborn and Family Photographer

I photograph families in a more intimate way than the traditional family photographer. My art is not about showing how you and your family looks like but more how your family-life looks like at this moment and how you feel in this chapter of your life.In this article I explain how easy-going my sessions are.

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8 tips to photograph your kids at home | Paris Family Photographer

8 tips to photograph your kids at home | Paris Family Photographer

As most of us are staying home right now and probably for weeks to come, I thought I’d share with you 8 tips I have put together to help you take better photos of your kids during this time! Check them out now and start taking better photographs of your children today.

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What is a Family Film? | Westchester NY Family Photographer

What is a Family Film? | Westchester NY Family Photographer

So what is a family film?! The best way to describe family films to me is this: imagine you could revisit a memory any time you’d like, hear the voice of a loved one, seeing your toddler playing with their favourite toy, hearing their tiny voice again or hugging their grandparents at a click of a button! Yes, family films are that powerful! The easiest way to think of them is as a collection of images but with movement and sound. Put simply, family films transport you back to a moment, a feeling, a loved one…

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My 3 Tips for Working From Home | NYC Family Photographer

My 3 Tips for Working From Home | NYC Family Photographer

New York is now officially on ‘pause’ since Sunday night. At home, it’s Rob, our pup Roxie and myself. We both work from home all year long so we don’t have to get used to that part. This is why I thought I’d share with you the top three things that help me being productive while working from home!

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Why motherhood photography is important | NYC newborn photographer

Why motherhood photography is important | NYC newborn photographer

I want my art to be meaningful. I tried different genre when I started photography, but quickly I found that none was giving me the same feeling of pride and satisfaction than my maternity and newborn work. I’ve shared in this article the three main reasons why motherhood photography is important and why it is the platform for my art.

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Lower Manhattan In-Home Family Session | NYC Family Photographer

Lower Manhattan In-Home Family Session | NYC Family Photographer

Sometimes, children are not interested in what adults really really want to do…. and often that can be the family pictures! As you will see in this session, even with little interest from your child, we still can have a beautiful collection of great images full of memories!

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Manhattan In-Home Family Session | New York Family Photographer

Manhattan In-Home Family Session | New York Family Photographer

Unlike many family photographers, I have my family sessions indoor. I have a deep love for in-home sessions from maternity to newborn to family. I like how easy it makes the session for my mothers; no need to travel anywhere, pack snacks or nappies etc. I like that we can incorporate elements of their daily life like in this session. This is one of my favourite, you don’t want to miss it!

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In-home Family Session | NYC Family Photographer

In-home Family Session | NYC Family Photographer

It's no secret, I love in-home sessions; and this one is no exception! I believe lifestyle photography is a great way to document how you do family-life. I’m so excited to share this session from last week…

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Why printing photographs is important | New York Newborn Photographer

Why printing photographs is important | New York Newborn Photographer

I truly believe photographs should live on prints and not only in digital format. Being an expat for 14 years now, and having changed countries a few times; I’ve quickly came to appreciate the photographs I own of my families, but I also had to go through the heartbreak of realising how many I lost throughout the years as they were only backed up digitally (on lost CDs or emails that got deleted by mistake….). I learned from it though, and I want to share with you why I truly believe you too should print your precious memories…

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8 Tips To Take Better Photos Of Your Children

8 Tips To Take Better Photos Of Your Children

With Summer here and all the fun family days ahead, I have put together 8 tips to help you take better photos of your kids mama!

I tried to keep it simple without getting too technical and confuse you with your camera settings; so if all you want is taking better portraits of your kids and are not interested in learning the settings of your camera, then ignore anything below that talks about aperture, ISO or shutter speed; and use the automatic modes in your camera. For the more enthusiasts, I have included a pinch of technicality so you can start having a better understanding of your camera. Most of all, these tips are to help you feel more confident and get better images.

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